We are one big tribe here at ASH & STONE, and if you think that brownies from the Noosa Chocolate Factory, with salted caramel sauce is wedding cake material, than chances are, you’re one of us! Likewise, if chocolate anything is being served at your wedding, than we want in!!!
10 Signs that you too could be a part of the Ash & Stone Tribe are as follows:
1.) You actually have extremely good taste when it comes to style, food, friends & fashion. That said…you’d rather have less than more, if it means having quality things or quality time, with quality people, in your life.
2.) You drive a 90’s LANDROVER DEFENDER. Okay, so this is more of a figurative thing…but anyone who hasn’t envisioned themselves driving across the continent, and photographing themselves in their Defender, in as many amazing places as possible during their adventures, is totally lying! #liveauthentic
3.) You aren’t scared of trying something new or doing something a little crazy! On that note, did you know that noisy, little crickets, roasted, taste like chicken?? I lie…they don’t taste like chicken…but they aren’t nearly as bad as you’d think they’d be.
4.) To you, the journey is just as important as the destination itself. Put another way…travelling is not just about being in a new place, or meeting new people. Rather, it’s about being open to others, and being open to new experiences. There’s a lot to be gleaned from seeing the world through someone else’s eyes and through listening to their stories.
5.) You love to party & boring is a non-existent word in your vocabulary. PS. If there’s an infinity pool where you’re getting hitched, than I’m totally bringing along a blow up unicorn, a blow up flamingo, and an inflatable pineapple. Provided there’s enough room in my suitcase for more…expect a blow up swan, and possibly a shark to make its way through customs as well!
6.) You actually think that a Joshua tree wedding, or a gathering in Marrakech is a great idea! Furthermore, when it comes to choosing the perfect venue or the perfect location for your outdoor wedding, than anything that starts as a blank canvas with an amazing view, is just perfect!
7.) When it comes to confetti – you fully embrace the importance of having as many guests as possible armed with confetti canons, so that copious amounts of (biodegradable) confetti can be released everywhere once the formalities are over!
8.) We speak the same love language. Chocolate, wine, cheese, quince & crackers!
9.) Although ‘chocolate’ has to be our favorite ‘c’ word, other ‘c’ words that are of infinite importance to tribe members are ‘community’, ‘connection’, ‘compassion’ and ‘celebration’.
10.) You disagree with the ‘moments over mountains’ (#momentsovermountains) movement on Instagram. Seriously…moments ON mountains are just next level, epic.
If that sounds like you, and if the #ashandstoneadventure hashtag fits, than BRING IT!!!!